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English version
Správa elektronických schránok

Administration of electronic mailboxes for business companies

Administration of electronic mailboxes
From July 01, 2017 every business companyentered into the Commercial Register in Slovakia have the obligation to have electronic mailboxes activation. State authorities may deliver documents to these mailboxes without the need to simultaneously deliver the documents by means of classic form in writing to the address of the companies´ registered seat entered into the Commercial Register. This step is part of the plan for the electronization of public sector performance.

Documents delivered to electronic mailbox are subject to so-called fiction of delivery. This means that the document shall be deemed as efficiently delivered to the business company once the document is sent to electronic mailbox of the business company even if the business company fails to register to its electronic mailbox and fails to open the document.

Logging to electronic mailboxes of the business companies is possible for the statutory bodies of the business companies on webpage. The log in is only possible with a so-called electronic ID card or stay card.

We deal with everything so that you do not have to

We offer you the administration of official electronic mailbox of a business company, which will make the access to electronically delivered messages from state authorities easier for you. This service includes:
  • notification of received messages from state authorities by e-mail,
  • taking over the content of received official messages and subsequently sending it by e-mail at request,
  • archiving the received official messages in a transparent form in our information system.

Activating the service

After receiving the order you will be sent a document for delegating the access to data mailbox of your business company. After having signed this document in front of the notary or at the Registry Office you will deliver the document and subsequently we shall take care of redirecting the mailbox to our system. Thus the whole activating process will be finalized.

Service price list

   Redirecting the electronic mailbox to our system
   E-mail notification about received mail
   On-line registry of received mail with logging through e-mail
   Taking over the content of received messages including all enclosed supplements (maximum of 24 official messages per year)
9 € / month

Additional services

Taking over message above the standardized limit 2 € / message
Notice of termination of agreement and cancelling the redirecting free

Complete price list

I'm interested in managing an electronic mailbox

Company name: *
Your name: *
Email: *
Phone:   *